Dear parents,
We are greeting You at our month marathons which are meant for the First and Second steps. You will have eight video tasks for the First step and nine – for the Second step from Dmitriy Muromov plus some bonus videos. Please, have a close look at it.
Marathons presented in this block do not require any feedback from the doctor!
Some helpful advice:
Be demanding with your hometasks.
If you have any questions you can easily specify them on free open dialog with Dmitriy Muromov. You can try it on every second Monday in a month in our community “Vkontakte”.
Do your hometasks in time.
All the videotasks you can have against payment, and we definitely recommend you to learn new materials in stages as it said in instructions (on Wednsdays and Saturdays). Be patient and take your time.
Listen to the instructions thoughtfully.
Follow the instructions by Dmitriy Muromov – this is the easiest way to avoid the most common mistakes and do your work most productive.
Do not forget about authors’ rights.
This course is an intellectual property of Dmitriy Muromov. They could not be copyrighted or extended to thirdsman.
Remember that idleness ruins everything.
Only if you hit the books and working hard every day you can get the results.
We hope that you will make it! Do not forget to share your results with us when you finish this marathon. You can use any social medias to do it.
Good luck!
Connect us in a comfortable way:
You can sign up for online consultations and offline rehabilitation courses:
through a phone call in a center
Mon – Fri from 8.00 till 17.00
on local time (Samara)
using online-service:
send a message in Viber