Your child has fully mastered the programs of the previous four stages, making the first independent steps WITHOUT your help? Congratulations, you are at the finish line!
After mastering the first independent steps, the child gains new opportunities. However, new difficulties come with them. Drops, bumps, bruises, and abrasions. Is it a nightmare of a young mother? No, it isn’t. The experience acquired by a future adult. Is there too much experience? No, in the framework of ensuring the safety of life and health. The sequence of mastering the skills of the fifth stage will help young parents to set feasible tasks for the child and minimize the risks associated with their realization. The required condition is an independent implementation by a child of all actions with minimal and inconspicuous insurance by an adult.
1, 2, 3 points of tasks do not need any insurance in the room. Falls from the height of one's growth, passing through all stages of the IDA, are minimally traumatic and form the necessary experience. You can ensure your child outside with the help of a hood, scarf, reins. It is important not to interfere with a child’s actions as much as possible. During the walking, these elements should sag and stretch only in case of a child’s falling.
The child gets used to move forward and upward, beginning with overcoming obstacles while army crawling. The child continues to get used to this direction of movement, standing at support and then stepping over obstacles. The habit of stepping over objects while maintaining balance prepares to develop the skill of climbing upstairs without the help of hands. The minimum height of the steps, the inability to grab or lean on something create conditions and motivate them to overcome difficulties. We ensure the child at a distance that does not give them the opportunity to rely on the insurer.
Swedish ladder (Gymnastics wall bars) and playgrounds cobwebs can be conquered by a child who has not only good coordination but also a developed shoulder girdle and grip. It is important to allow the child to climb the heights, ensuring him below, without touching. The child should understand that no one helps him and can only rely on themselves. The child learns to be responsible for their actions. A child has often fear at any height, even minimal. For example, they can climb upstairs, but can’t go downstairs. It is better to guide, suggest, and help a little bit to go downstairs, than to remove a child, depriving them the opportunity to overcome fears.
Going downstairs and going down the slope (without the help of hands) are the last basic skills to be mastered. A healthy child needs about a year to master them, starting with the first independent steps. Having mastered the previous five task points of the stage, a child acquires these skills without much effort.
The household processes at the fifth stage should go under the motto: less comfort, more independence, and activity.
In the fifth stage, it is important to minimize the participation of parental hands in the child’s life. The use of the RIGHT STROLLER is impossible only when a child is tired or there is a need to go far. Maximum of independent movements – where possible, barefoot. It can be much longer but by themselves. It is ideal to grow surrounded by nature, «on earth». The interests of the child should also be outside, ensuring constant mobility.
Soft feeding chairs, potties with backs, chaise lounges, strollers with backs, a half-sitting position, chairs, sofas – all these elements surrounding the child hold him in a sitting position much longer than it is necessary. A bent motionless position with a round back is the worst enemy of any child. And if we add gadgets to these conditions (TV, tablet, phone, their children's counterparts, etc.), everything becomes even sadder. In recent years children's orthopedic, neurological, and mental disorders have broken all records, even according to official figures. The reality is harsher.
Modern living conditions in many ways deprive the child of opportunities to develop in the way that previous generations did. Excessive and ubiquitous creation of hyper-comfortable living conditions for a child provokes oversitting and, as a result, inactivity, which prevents the implementation of the ideal development algorithm (IDA). Our site is an attempt to return the development of the child to the most physiological conditions.