By diagnosis, as part of the conversation about the method, we do not mean making a diagnosis, but determining the stage at which your child is in accordance with the algorithm of ideal development (AIR).

What stages and relevant skills are we talking about?
stage 1:
- vertical head control;
- the ability and desire to lie on your stomach with your head raised and support on your forearms;
- flips from the back to the stomach.
stage 2:
- belly turns;
- crawling like a plast;
- crawling over obstacles.
stage 3:
- getting up on all fours;
- turns on all fours;
- sitting in the "snake" and in the "buddha";
- u-turns and crawling on all fours;
- kneeling high at the support;
- getting up from one foot to the feet at the supports.
stage 4:
- walking along the supports;
- independent walking.
stage 5:
- development of the basic elements of movement: climbing, running, jumping, walking up and down stairs.
If you have not yet become familiar with the abbreviation AIR,
the concepts of stages and components of everyday life, refer to the chapters
Understanding the meaning of the definitions proposed above will help you to independently diagnose a child by AIR,
considering the main possible pathological components with the definition of stages in the use of household components.
stage 1
correspond to children,
- correspond to children who CANNOT independently and confidently roll over from their backs to their stomachs from the initial position lying on their backs on the floor;
- who turn over rarely, with difficulty, only on soft, only with stimulation, only through bending with support on the back of the head, pushing off with the heel, are also at the first stage.
The second stage
correspond to children,
correspond to children who can confidently roll over from the back to the stomach, but WHO CANNOT crawl like a plast, crawling over obstacles 10 cm high, NOT crawling on all fours;
who move by rolling, who prefer to be lying on their backs more often, crawling with little or only with stimulation are also at the second stage.
The third stage
correspond to children,
The third stage corresponds to children crawling in a plastunsky, overcoming obstacles 10 cm high; crawling in a plastunsky, who have learned to get up on all fours; crawling (moving) on all fours, but NOT able to get up at the foot support; sitting on the floor only in a W-shaped position, but not walking on their own.
The fourth stage
correspond to children,
- moving independently on all fours or by walking at the support;
- able to stand up on their own, but NOT able to walk on their own;
- If the child is sitting on the floor only in a W-shaped position, then he is at the third stage.
The fifth stage
correspond to children,
- correspond to children who are able to walk independently, but are NOT able to descend stairs without a railing.
It is important to understand that most children who begin habilitation using the proposed method have already accumulated experience of not always harmonious development by the time they start working. Their skills can significantly differ from those listed in the ideal development algorithm (AIR) both by their very presence and by the order of their development. Also among the elements of independent activity there may be actions always pathological or pathological at a certain stage.
After the diagnosis, you need to turn to the appropriate stage and learn more about its features, learn the rules of communication (behavior, life) with the child (components of everyday life), ways to help in development, ways to correct pathological conditions in the section "METHODOLOGY".