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Start working with us

Daily, parents who are just beginning to learn about the methodology and the website itself visit our site. We have compiled a five-step instruction for those who are at the start of their journey and do not know where to begin.

Step 1. Study the chapters «Introduction» and «Development Chain» in the «Methodology» section. This is the first thing you need to do and should not be missed when getting to know us. In the «Introduction», you will learn about the three main factors of a child's motor development, the influence of the household on the development of children, and the existence of the AIR (Algorithm of Ideal Development) for babies. In the «Development Chain», the sequential process of a child mastering one skill or another is described.

Step 2. Conduct a diagnostic test. The «Diagnostic» section will help you determine which stage your child is at. This will be necessary both for further independent work on the methodology and for participation in marathons.

Step 3. Begin independent work on the site. After the stage has been determined, you can proceed to the exercises. Choose the appropriate section, carefully read the descriptions of the exercises, and do not ignore the photo instructions. In addition, we strongly recommend not to miss such an important point of each stage as «Household». The methodology of Dmitry Sergeevich Muromov is not limited to three hours of classes per week - it is aimed at a global restructuring of the household and daily work. The correct positions during bathing, feeding, and even when transporting the baby in a stroller are what is really important.

Step 4. If necessary, you can purchase video lessons from the «Video» section: they will help you better understand the methodology and find answers to many questions. It doesn't matter what stage your baby is at: whether they are making their first attempts to roll over from their back to their stomach, mastering crawling, or already actively moving on all fours and standing up with support. Our videos will help anyone who has questions during their study of the methodology. There are both practical and theoretical video instructions inside.

Step 5. Participate in an open dialogue - one of the formats of communication with Dmitry Sergeevich Muromov in our group «VKontakte». Within the framework of the dialogue, anyone can ask the doctor all their questions regarding the methodology, completely free of charge. The communication takes place under special posts every second Monday of the month from 20:00 to 21:30.

Step 6. Learn more about the «marathons» in our «VKontakte group». Launched in 2022, the intensives have become one of the most popular formats of work on the methodology of Dmitry Sergeevich Muromov. They are suitable for those who are at the beginning of their journey, who need detailed instructions for performing certain exercises and the doctor's consultations. The duration of the marathon for the first and second stages is one month, for the third and fourth - two months. It is important that the «video lessons» and «marathons» presented on the site in the recording do not imply feedback from the doctor. This function is available only to the participants of the intensive in Telegram.

Step 7. After all the previous "steps" have been taken, you can talk about booking an in-person course and consultation. Those who live in Samara and the Samara region should call the «working phones» of the center and book a consultation through the director of the center Elena Nikolaevna Muromova, and out-of-town patients should talk to her on the same phones and get in line for booking an in-person course.

Step 8. Subscribe to our social networks - the links can be found in the «Contacts» section - and view a maximum of information: info videos, stories of our patients, posts about marathons - we recommend not to miss anything from the above. A huge amount of useful advice and recommendations are in open sources, you just need to find them. There are also two parental chats available, all the current information about the marathons is placed, and open dialogues with Dmitry Sergeevich Muromov take place.

Блог Муромова Д.С.