In 2000 he graduated from Samara State Medical University with a degree in General Medicine.
2001 - Internship in Neurology
In 2003 got an additional specialization Physiotherapy and Sports Medicine at the Medical University «Reaviz»
In 1999 she graduated from Samara State Medical University, Faculty of Pediatrics
2001 - Residency (postgraduate training) in Neonatology
In 2010 she graduated from the Moscow City Pedagogical University with a degree in Psychology and Education..
In 1998 she graduated from the Samara State Medical University with a degree in Pediatrics.
In 1999 she got the specialty «Children Nervous Diseases»
Additional specializations received at Reaviz Medical University:
Reflexotherapy, the certificate is valid until 2021. Reflexology work experience - 16 years.
Hirudotherapy, the certificate is valid until 2021. Work experience - 12 years.
Homeopathy, the certificate valid until 2022. Work experience - 17 years.
Fundamentals of health care and public health, the certificate is valid until 2021.
Graduated with honors from Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev in 2018 with bachelor's and master's degree programs, the direction of training "Social work". Over the years of training, she has been actively volunteering in the field of social projects for children with disabilities, orphans and children from disadvantaged families.
Field of scientific interests: the content and organization of early rehabilitation care for families with children with congenital genetic syndromes; publications of articles on this topic, speeches at city and regional conferences.
From October 2018 to June 2019 was trained under the educational program of additional professional education of professional retraining "Speech therapy", at Samara Socio-Pedagogical University. Direction of training: special defectological education with the right to conduct professional activities in the field of general, special and inclusive education.
In 2019 passed advanced training on the topic "The specifics of the production and automation of sounds in dysarthria", full-time participation in training seminars T.G. Wiesel in the field of neuropsychological approach in working with children with speech development delays, alalia and RAS.
In 2020 passed advanced training at the School of a young teacher on the basis of the Department of Education of the city of Samara.
In 2021 participated full-time in M.I. Lynskaya's training seminars on the topic of working with speechless children.
Areas of work: speech development delay, motor alalia, sensory alalia, work with speechless children, speech development in children with cerebral palsy, genetic syndromes, SNR, ZPR, ONR, stimulation of speech development in children with ASD, correction of sound reproduction in dysarthria, dyspraxia, dyslalia. Speech therapy diagnostics and the construction of a speech development program are relevant for young children from 0 to 2 years old. Correctional speech therapy classes are conducted with children from 2 years old. Correctional speech therapy work is based on the individual characteristics of the child. The key point of correctional work is vocal-speech rehabilitation, which includes: activation of speech by singing, listening to various sounds and melodies to stimulate the auditory analyzer, exercises for the development of phonemic hearing (the ability to distinguish by ear the sounds of the native language). The lessons include elements of logorhythmics: speech development with the help of rhythmic movements to music, thanks to which the tempo and rhythm of breathing during speech are set, correct articulation, voice strength, intonation are formed, imitation mimic movements are stimulated.
Svetlana Valentinovna. Plakhotnikova graduated from the Pediatric Faculty of Samara State Medical University in 2008. From 2008 to 2009, she completed an internship in the specialty "Pediatrics" at the Department of Pediatric Infections of SamSMU. She graduated from postgraduate studies in 2018 in the field of training "Clinical medicine". In 2019, she defended her PhD thesis "Adaptive reactions in children with tonsillitis syndrome in acute infectious diseases".
From 2009 to 2017, she worked as a pediatrician in City Hospital No. 5 in the children's infectious diseases department.
Since 2017, he has been working as an assistant at the Department of Faculty Pediatrics of SamSMU, since 2020 as an associate professor of the department, and is also the head of the academic part of the department.
Research interests:
Childhood infections, persistent infections, infectious diseases in children, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, diffuse connective tissue diseases in children, immunogenetics issues.
Leonid Yakovlevich Mostovoy graduated from Samara State Medical University in 1998.
Work experience - 25 years.
From 1998 to 2000, he studied at the clinical residency of Samara State Medical University in the specialty "Neurology".
In 2006, he passed the primary specialization in the specialty "Ultrasound diagnostics".
In 2009, he completed an advanced training course at the Samara State Medical University on the cycle of "Clinical Dopplerography" (ultrasound of the vessels of the neck, vessels of the extremities, vessels of the abdominal cavity).
In 2011 and 2016, the course of improvement in the cycle "Ultrasound diagnostics" (ultrasound studies in gastroenterology in oncology, urology, ultrasound of surface structures) and received a certificate of a doctor of ultrasound diagnostics.
In 2004 he defended his dissertation and received the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences.
He has the Highest qualification category (2020).
He masters the methods of ultrasound examination of vessels:
He masters the methods of ultrasound examination of organs and systems:
Main areas of working:
Gilmetdinov Rishat Rifatovich graduated from Shymkent Medical College in 2014 with a degree in Medical Science.
In 2015, he received an additional specialization as a masseur.
In 2022, he received an additional specialization of a physical therapy instructor.
In 1993, Svetlana Vyacheslavovna graduated from the Khujand Pedagogical College with a degree in Preschool education.
Work experience is more than 20 years.
In 2005, she took advanced training courses at the Institute of Retraining and Advanced Training "New pedagogical technologies in Preschool Education", and in 2007 she was certified for the II qualification category.
In 2016, she took advanced training courses in additional professional education at the Amur Regional Institute of Advanced Training on the topic "Organization of the educational process in a preschool educational organization in the context of the implementation of Federal State Educational Standards (FSES)".
In 2016, she was certified for the I qualification category.
In 2019, she took advanced training courses at the Amur Regional Institute of Advanced Training under the program " FSES of additional education: conditions for the implementation of the basic program of preschool education".
Art therapy classes include:
Zheleznikova Elena Yurievna graduated from the medical faculty of Samara State Medical University in 1998.
From 1998 to 1999 she completed an internship at the Department of Family Medicine in the specialty "General Medical Practice".
From 1993 to 1996 she studied the basics of traditional medicine (homeopathy) at the Institute of Folk Medicine at the SamSMU.
In 2001 she completed her primary specialization in the specialty "Therapy", and from 2001 to 2002, she was trained in the basics of integrative medicine, bio puncture, homeosynyarthry, and nutritiology in Baden-Baden (Germany).
In 2004 she graduated from the London Faculty of Classical Homeopathy (Great Britain-Moscow), received an international diploma MFHom.
In 2006, she was trained at the IMEDIS Center for Foll diagnostics, bioresonance diagnostics and therapy (ART testing).
In 2009 was the primary specialization in physiotherapy and sports medicine, in 2019 was advanced course Kasatkin, M. V. sports and aesthetic taping.
Areas of activity:
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